
Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2018 angezeigt.

Music of the future

My car, my house, my ship! With these words, a German bank tried several years ago to attract attention. Today, one or two young women would add: My bag! My Manolos! Do not let sourcasters influence you, if you do what you can to afford you, because without cash,  life is really more difficult. Self-responsibility also means to mobilize your forces and above all to decide for yourself for what! What is so bad about your aspiration, your growth? Every child is supposed to grow! Of course, the question arises: "where to?" But you answer yourself! Do not let a bad conscience persuade you if you have decided to sell most of your time and your work time!  Do not let looser make you unsuccessful. But do not throw yourself in the chest to show the weaker, how strong you are and how much you are worth. This is a bad approach and only generates envy ... and you do not want that, do you? As long as you do not lose yourself alone in the accumulation of money and good, you ...

Strong enough!

     Life is worth it! Most of the time in your life you are really well. You have the best partner in the world, your job is fun and you earn enough money. But then one day the shock will come! You get sick, the diagnosis is "cancer." Or ....your child is getting sick! Both are bad news individually and you need a while to find your attitude. It would be fatal if you lose your hope and your courage at this point, because who but you, this fight should win ? Sure, there are doctors who accompany you, family and friends who comfort you, but you are now on your own! Whining and lamenting are of no use, and best of all, you will not let that happen, because they do not improve your condition. They additionally weaken! I know from personal experience that there are moments when you would like to close your eyes forever, because tired of your own misery no longer believe that someday once again the sun will shine for you. But believe me, tomorrow, maybe onl...

Wie tickt die Jugend

Wie ist das Verhältnis der jungen Menschen zu ihren Eltern? Seit einigen Wochen interessiere ich mich für die Fragen junger Menschen in diversen Chats. Es erstaunt mich, dass viele ihre alltäglichen Fragen lieber wildfremden Menschen stellen, anstatt sich vertrauensvoll an ihre Eltern zu wenden. Sind wir Oldies tatsächlich so abgehoben, dass wir keinen Zugang zu unseren Kindern mehr haben und sie nicht mehr zu uns? Was ist denn so schwierig am Reifeprozess unserer Liebsten, dass sie sich in Fragen der Zukunft, der Beziehungen, der Sexualität im Internet tummeln und dort hoffen, eine Antwort zu finden. Haben wir das zuhören verlernt oder haben wir uns nie richtig für die Belange unserer Jugend interessiert? Wie kommt es, dass manche Kinder so allein gelassen sind, dass sie meinen sich verletzen zu müssen um Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen? Mich erschüttert es, wie oft ich lesen muss, dass die Eltern mit ihnen eher zum Psychologen rennen um schulische Probleme zu analysieren, anstatt er...